Liberal Dating App

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Conservatives, Republicans, and especially supporters of President Donald Trump often find themselves stigmatized, especially in liberal big cities. On many dating apps, users exclude any Trump supporter from the outset, writing “If you’re a Trump supporter, swipe left.” A new dating app aims to get around the intolerance and “Make America Date Again.”

“For many young Trump supporters, liberal intolerance has made meeting and dating nearly impossible,” Emily Moreno, CEO of Donald Daters, told PJ Media in an interview Thursday. “Support for the President has become a dealbreaker instead of an icebreaker. That’s why we created a new platform for Trump supporters to meet people without being afraid of talking politics.”

The app officially launches Monday October 15. Moreno told PJ Media a few horror stories about Trump supporters or employees in the Trump administration who have told her “again and again it is impossible to date.”

A Trump administration staffer was on date number 3 with a girl in Washington, D.C. “She basically went into the bathroom and googled his name, and his LinkedIn comes up,” Moreno recounted. “She comes out of the bathroom livid and screaming, ‘How could you support the president and work for the president!?’ She started labeling him a ‘bigot’ and a ‘hater.'”

“He didn’t get a word in there,” Moreno added.

The DonaldDaters CEO also told the story of a 31-year-old female administration official who faced “very, very frequent” political rejections on dating apps. “You do the small talk thing, and you have a very good conversation, and then they might say, ‘You didn’t vote for Trump, right?'” the staffer said. “As soon as I say, ‘Of course I did,’ it just devolves into an all-caps ‘HOW COULD YOU BE SUCH A RACIST AND A BIGOT?'”

“I think this is a common problem, not just one that exists in D.C.,” Moreno suggested. “It’s probably even worse in New York City or L.A., big progressive cities that preach tolerance but refuse to practice it.”

“I won’t be able to make the Left more tolerant, but at least I can offer people a platform to meet someone who supports President Trump or tolerates someone else who supports him,” the CEO explained.

When you consider that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has been labeling mainstream conservative groups “hate groups,” protesters have been harassing Republicans in restaurants and outside their homes, and there is ever-increasing polarization, it stands to reason conservatives and Trump supporters would face hostility in the dating arena.


Due to this hostility, DonaldDaters has also prepared for the possibility that liberals would infiltrate the app and target Trump supporters.

“We have mechanisms in place to make sure people like that are bounced from the app,” Moreno told PJ Media. “The Left is completely unhinged and I’m sure some would see this as a great opportunity to target people who like president Trump.”

Liberal Dating Apps


Liberal Dating Site

The CEO explained some of the blocking features. “If you’re using the app and you feel like someone is some sort of crazy Leftist, all you have to do is block them. If someone’s blocked twice, they get completely suspended and have to go through an appeal process.”

Besides this privacy protection, the app includes other features that set it apart from Tinder and OkCupid. DonaldDaters has a community element, enabling users to see others in their area. Users can access a map showing other users in various areas across the country.

To check out the app, go to

Liberal Dating App

Follow the author of this article on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.